804 research outputs found

    Percepción de adultos mayores entre 60 y 70 años de edad frente al confinamiento por Covid 19

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    Interpretar la percepción que tienen adultos mayores con edades entre 60 a 70 años residentes en Bogotá frente al confinamiento por Covid 19, teniendo en cuenta los factores socioemocionales, económicos y estado de salud.La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo general interpretar la percepción que tienen los adultos mayores con edades entre 60 a 70 años frente al confinamiento por Covid 19 residentes en Bogotá; se trabajó bajo una metodología cualitativa basada en un diseño fenomenológico, mediante un grupo de discusión en el que participaron 5 adultos mayores. Esta investigación enmarca tres vertientes conceptuales claves, que configuran el título: percepción de adulto mayores frente al confinamiento por Covid-19, es decir las categorías adultez tardía, Percepción social, y confinamiento pandemia Covid 19. Dentro de los resultados se identificaron dos macro categorías: la percepción de ser adulto mayor ("Soy adulto mayor") y (“Percepción del covid 19 y su tratamiento”)The general objective of this research was to interpret the perception of older adults aged between 60 to 70 years of confinement by Covid 19 residents in Bogotá; We worked under a qualitative methodology based on a phenomenological design, through a discussion group in which 5 older adults participated. This research frames three key conceptual aspects that make up the title: perception of the elderly in the fase of confinement by Covid-19, that is, the categories late adulthood, Social perception, and confinement pandemic Covid 19. Within the results, two macro categories were identified: the perception of being an older adult ("I am an older adult") and ("Perception of covid 19 and its treatment"

    La influencia de la práctica docente en el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes de grado Pre- Jardín y Jardín del Colegio La Palestina

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    El desarrollo de la investigación se realizó en la institución Educativa Distrital La Palestina ubicada en la calle 80 con carrera 73ªen la localidad de Engativá, en la cual se le da inicio al proyecto titulado La influencia de la práctica docente en el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes donde se articula con la práctica profesional I realizada en la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, el objeto de estudio o problemática nace de la inquietud por conocer cuál es la importancia del quehacer docente es por ello que, se realiza la caracterización de la práctica de las docentes de grado Pre Jardín y Jardín de esta institución y se busca observar su influencia en el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes. En los objetivos se puede evidenciar el paso a paso que se lleva en el momento de realizar la monografía y cuáles son las categorías que se encargan de generar viabilidad en este trabajo

    Modelado de la sismicidad en Colombia a partir de características de la litosfera terrestre

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    En el presente artículo se realizó la estimación de modelos del proceso de Poisson no homogéneo, aso- ciado al patrón de sismos en Colombia utilizando covariables descriptivas de la litosfera terrestre tales como la altitud del terreno, anomalías magnéticas e isostáticas, y mediciones de distancia a estructu- ras geológicas tales como fallas, bordes de placa y volcanes. En este estudio se confirmó que los sismos tienden a ocurrir en las cercanías a determinadas es- tructuras geológicas, en zonas con importantes ano- malías gravimétricas, tanto positivas como negativas, y en zonas con valores específicos de anomalías magnéticas y de altitud.

    Efectos de los fungicidas organofosforados y carbamatos en la salud de los escolares / Effects of organophosphate and carbamate fungicides in school health

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar mediante pruebas de Colinesterasa, los efectos de los fungicidas organofosforados y carbamatos utilizados en las fincas bananeras, en la salud de los estudiantes de las escuelas: Manuel Centeno Garzón y Manuela Cañizares, ubicadas en la zona urbano marginal de Machala, Ecuador, en el año 2014. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, epidemiológico, analítico-observacional, tipo “casos y controles”. Mediante pruebas de correlación entre los valores de enzima colinesterasa, se diferenció la presencia o no de lesiones dermatológicas, tales como resequedad, mácula y otras. Concluyendo que el 100 % presentó por lo menos uno de los síntomas en relación a la exposición de fungicidas y que existe una implicación de colinesterasa alterada con una ligera predisposición a desarrollar enfermedades de la piel, (Odds ratio: 1.29), además el 60 % presentó estado de desnutrición. AbstractThe objective of this research was to determine through testing cholinesterase effects of organophosphate and carbamate fungicides used on banana plantations in the health of school students: Manuel Centeno Garzón and Manuela Canizares, located in the marginal urban area Machala, Ecuador, in 2014. An epidemiological, analytical and observational type “case-control” cross-sectional descriptive study. By evidence of a correlation between the values of cholinesterase enzyme, the presence or absence of skin, such as dryness, macula and other injuries differed. Concluding that 100% had at least one of the symptoms of exposure to fungicides, and there is an implication of altered cholinesterase with a slight predisposition to skin diseases (odds ratio: 1.29) plus 60% presented state of malnutrition

    Análisis y propuesta de estrategias para el mejoramiento del clima organizacional en la empresa Finanzas Integrales BM

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    formato encuestaEn el presente documento pretendemos identificar y proponer estrategitas que permitan mejorar el clima organización de la compañía Finanzas Integrales BM, el cual no ha sido medido y se desconoce el nivel de satisfacción actual. Mejorar el ambiente de trabajo tiene diferentes beneficios no solo para la empresa si no para el trabajador quien encontrara la motivación necesaria para trabajar por los objetivos de la compañía. Después de analizar las tendencias del mercado y la literatura académica sobre la temática se decidió aplicar una metodología de investigación tipo descriptiva cuantitativa con una encuesta dirigida a los trabajadores de la compañía para poder identificar el estado actual del ambiente laboral y poder determinar la hoja de ruta que permita desarrollar estrategias y planes de acción para la mejora del clima organizacional. Con los resultados obtenidos en la encuesta se logra entender los retos que tiene la empresa para mejorar el ambiente laboral. Desde la investigación se realizarán las propuestas correspondientes para que sean revisadas por las directivas de Finanzas Integrales BM, y en el caso en que sean favorables se puedan implementarlas, la cual podrá arrojar como resultado factores positivos, como lo son: la satisfacción del personal y condiciones físicas ambientales favorables, buena comunicación, trabajo en equipo, oportunidades de crecimiento y la autonomía que nos lleva a un liderazgo con compensación y motivación enriquecedora para dar cumplimiento a la misión y la visión de Finanzas Integrales BM.In this document we intend to identify and propose strategies to improve the organizational climate of the company Finanzas Integrales BM, which has not been measured and the current level of satisfaction is unknown. Improving the work environment has different benefits not only for the company but also for the worker who will find the necessary motivation to work for the company's objectives. After analyzing the market trends and the academic literature on the subject, it was decided to apply a quantitative descriptive research methodology with a survey aimed at the company's workers in order to identify the current state of the work environment and determine the roadmap that allows the development of strategies and action plans to improve the organizational climate. With the results obtained in the survey, it was possible to understand the challenges that the company has to improve the work environment. From the investigation, the corresponding proposals will be made so that they are reviewed by the BM Integral Finance directives, and if they are favorable they can be implemented, which may result in positive factors, such as: staff satisfaction and Favorable physical environmental conditions, good communication, teamwork, growth opportunities and autonomy that leads us to leadership with compensation and enriching motivation to fulfill the mission and vision of Finanzas Integrales BM

    Classifying organisms and artefacts by their outline shapes

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    We often wish to classify objects by their shapes. Indeed, the study of shapes is an important part of many scientific fields, such as evolutionary biology, structural biology, image processing and archaeology. However, mathematical shape spaces are rather complicated and nonlinear. The most widely used methods of shape analysis, geometric morphometrics, treat the shapes as sets of points. Diffeomorphic methods consider the underlying curve rather than points, but have rarely been applied to real-world problems. Using a machine classifier, we tested the ability of several of these methods to describe and classify the shapes of a variety of organic and man-made objects. We find that one method, based on square-root velocity functions (SRVFs), outperforms all others, including a standard geometric morphometric method (eigenshapes), and that it is also superior to human experts using shape alone. When the SRVF approach is constrained to take account of homologous landmarks it can accurately classify objects of very different shapes. The SRVF method identifies a shortest path between shapes, and we show that this can be used to estimate the shapes of intermediate steps in evolutionary series. Diffeomorphic shape analysis methods, we conclude, now provide practical and effective solutions to many shape description and classification problems in the natural and human sciences.</p

    SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibodies in Mexican Population: A Five Vaccine Comparison

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    Neutralizing antibodies (NAs) are key immunological markers and are part of the humoral response of the adaptive immune system. NA assays determine the presence of functional antibodies to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. We performed a real-world evidence study to detect NAs that confer protection against SARS-CoV-2 after the application of five vaccines (Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Moderna, and CanSino) in the Mexican population. Side effects of COVID-19 vaccines and clinical and demographic factors associated with low immunogenicity were also evaluated. A total of 242 SARS-CoV-2-vaccinated subjects were recruited. Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna proved the highest percentage of inhibition in a mono-vaccine scheme. Muscular pain, headache, and fatigue were the most common adverse events. None of the patients reported severe adverse events. We found an estimated contagion-free time of 207 (IQR: 182–231) and 187 (IQR: 184–189) days for Pfizer/BioNTech and CanSino in 12 cases in each group. On the basis of our results, we consider that the emerging vaccination strategy in Mexico is effective and safe

    Recommendations for SARS-CoV- 2/ COVID-19 testing: a scoping review of current guidance

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    Background Testing used in screening, diagnosis and follow-up of COVID-19 has been a subject of debate. Several organisations have developed formal advice about testing for COVID-19 to assist in the control of the disease. We collated, delineated and appraised current worldwide recommendations about the role and applications of tests to control SARS-CoV- 2/COVID-19. Methods We searched for documents providing recommendations for COVID-19 testing in PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS, the Coronavirus Open Access Project living evidence database and relevant websites such as TRIP database, ECRI Guidelines Trust, the GIN database, from inception to 21 September 2020. Two reviewers applied the eligibility criteria to potentially relevant citations without language or geographical restrictions. We extracted data in duplicate, including assessment of methodological quality using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation-II tool. Results We included 47 relevant documents and 327 recommendations about testing. Regarding the quality of the documents, we found that the domains with the lowest scores were ‘Editorial independence’ (Median=4%) and ‘Applicability’ (Median=6%). Only six documents obtained at least 50% score for the ‘Rigour of development’ domain. An important number of recommendations focused on the diagnosis of suspected cases (48%) and deisolation measures (11%). The most frequently recommended test was the reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) assay (87 recommendations) and the chest CT (38 recommendations). There were 22 areas of agreement among guidance developers, including the use of RT-PCR for SARS-Cov- 2 confirmation, the limited role of bronchoscopy, the use chest CT and chest X-rays for grading severity and the co-assessment for other respiratory pathogens. Conclusion This first scoping review of recommendations for COVID-19 testing showed many limitations in the methodological quality of included guidance documents that could affect the confidence of clinicians in their implementation. Future guidance documents should incorporate a minimum set of key methodological characteristics to enhance their applicability for decision making.Instituto de Salud Carlos III 2017/CD17/00219European Social Fund 2014-2020, 'Investing in your future'Spanish Governmen